Cyber Safe

Cyber Safe

This piece originally appeared in: Retrofit, March/April 2023 Attacks on Cloud and Data Infrastructure Underline the Need for Cybersecurity Like most every sector of the global economy, the design and construction industry has become exponentially more digital, more...
Seismic Matters

Seismic Matters

This piece originally appeared in: Ascent, Summer 2021 Designs using precast concrete in seismic regions protect lives and livelihoods. The first responsibility of any building or structure is to protect the lives of the occupants inside. That is where the entire...
Build the Strength

Build the Strength

This piece originally appeared in: Triangle Sports, Spring 2019 Bridge II Sports Puts Team Play and Competition in Reach for People with Physical Disabilities. Ashley Thomas, the founder and CEO of Durham’s Bridge II Sports, was born with spina bifida, a condition...